Holday Weight Loss/Gain

I know that this holiday was not perfect for my diet. I got in 90% of my workouts, but I definitely might have had an extra serving or two of food, slacked on my water consumption and increased my wine intake! (<--oops!)  Great news though -- tomorrow marks a new day! AND I get a chance to start again. Little choices add up to BIG changes!!

How was your holidays? Did you snack? Did you over indulge? Did you exercise at all? Do  you know the difference in a set back and failure?

Distractions happen to the best of us. We are creatures of habit and function off of routine -- when we sway from that we tend to make less than ideal decisions for our health. What we have to understand is that these set backs are not a failure, they are actually part of success. Since when has changing habits and losing weight been easy? If it were easy then we would not call it a success, it would just happen. So overcoming these set backs is what is pushing your to real success and real changes and real results. IT'S REAL LIFE PEOPLE!!!
 Did  you gain weight this holiday season? A great way to drop those 3-5 extra lbs fast is the 3 Day Refresh. Check out my own personal results here. Or you can purchase it directly here!
So next time you get down on yourself for a stumble here or there, remember, its just a set back, NOT a failure!!

3 Day Refresh

Okay all, so I just finished the 3 Day Refresh and the verdict is in ..... :::drumroll::: I am officially down 3 more pounds and 2.5 inches from the refresh!

I was a little skeptical about the plan, thinking I would be hungry and grumpy from it -- but nope! The shakes were so filling that on day 1 I could not even eat all of my lunch & shakes (lunch was 12 green beans and a cup of watermelon with a vanilla refresh shake). I was even able to do my workouts during it, however I did find that I was better off doing the modified versions of some of the more intense days, as I could feel how much faster my body's muscles were fatiguing and wanted to stay safe :)    Looking to try it? Check it out here!

So check out these results --- 3 days people, just 3 days!!

So what is the 3 Day Refresh? 

The 3-Day Refresh is 3-day program of specially formulated shakes, healthy snacks, and delicious, easy-to-prepare meals that have been scientifically designed to help you lose weight and break the cycle of bad eating while dramatically improving the way you feel.  Unlike juice fasts or liquid cleanses that are high in sugar and low in protein (which can leave you feeling weak and sluggish), the 3-Day Refresh is scientifically designed to help support your metabolism while nourishing your vital organs.* Plus, you actually get to eat delicious, real food during this program. 

Why Refresh?
• You need a clean break from a period of unhealthy eating.
• You used to eat pretty well but have recently fallen off the wagon and need some help getting back on. 
• You want to jump-start healthy eating habits for a new workout program. 
• You want to quickly lose a few pounds for an upcoming event. 
• You’ve never been a healthy eater, but are ready to kick-start better nutrition for the first time.
• You want your clothes to fit better. 
• You want more energy. 
• You love food and want to be satisfied while you lose weight and get healthier.
• You’ve tried liquid fasts or other fad diets and they simply don’t work.

Looking to try this out? Check it out here! 

dinner on night one 
the fiber drink didn't taste bad, it was just weird texture!! 

Stress = Weight Gain

A stressful event can slow down our metabolism—so much so that we could gain an extra 11 pounds over the course of a year... YUCK!!!

Do you count the holidays as a stressful time of the year?

Stressed women had a slower metabolism, higher levels of insulin, which contributes to fat storage, and higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol after a meal. (Coritsol is that hormone that causes the gross fat in our midsections!)

Ummm no thank you!! How are you going to decompress and limit your stressors this holiday season?

Here are a few of mine:

- my daily workouts (fight that fat!)

- drinking shakeology (the nutrients help curb those stressful eating binges & fuel my body to take on the day!)

- when i walk the dog i WILL NOT take my cell phone (UNPLUG sometimes!!)

- spend 20 minutes a day doing something for me (even if it's just calling a friend or my mom!)

Black Friday Sales

Online shopping > In Store Shopping ...

Seriously, going to the stores this time of year gives me anxiety that I just choose not to deal with!
BUT, I did just save 85% on some new Beachbody products (new programs, equipment, weights and toys). If anyone else likes good deals... and online shopping you should check out this FAB sale link real quick before things sell out!

Beachbody CEO call!

I'm on a call RIGHT now with the CEO of Beachbody, Carl Daikeler!

This company is amazing and has touched my life in so many ways. You know, it's a normal Thursday night when you get to chat with the CEO of one of the top direct selling companies! 

I might not be an elite top coach, YET, but they still treat all of us like royalty!

I could never soak up enough information about Beachbody and growing my business! 

Have you heard of Beachbody? Do you know how big of a deal this is?!

Ink It


Okay, well you don't exactly need pen and paper, but seriously writing down your goals HELPS you to reach them!

When you write them down it helps you get clear on exactly what you want. It makes that clarity more imaginable and more real because you have thought through to put them in writing. 

Our brain sorts through the enormous amounts of info every day. To keep it all manageable we naturally break things down into smaller set (lists, bullets, keywords). By writing down your goals and making them clear, you can program your brain to keep these things in the forefront. Your mind then can direct your attention to certain events and occurrences. 

Example: You start looking into a certain kind of car ... then you start seeing them everywhere, you notice every one on the freeway, you see every ad or commercial. That's your brain keeping that set list queued up! Also, when you're more clear about what you want it will sneak into conversation and your overall attitude where others can pick up on it!! 

So what are you waiting for ... PEN & PAPER PEOPLE!!! 

Recharge & Refocus

What do you do to recharge and refocus after an off day?

Today I felt like I was just half a step off all day. Can't quite put my finger on why, but tonight was not going my way (sat in traffic 30 min longer than the norm, dog puked all over the couch, burned my dinner while dealing with said dog mess- she seems to be fine btw ). And just when I was starting to regret getting up this morning the doorbell rings and my next 30 day supply of my fav meal shows up. Now sitting on the (opposite) couch with sleeping dog at my side, candles burning, listening to 'throwback jamz' on the TV, reading an insightful book, and thankfully drinking another shake for the day for my dinner. Trying to recenter before wrapping up the day and finding that half step tomorrow.

For me the biggest part of my fitness journey has to be the changes I've made in my eating habits so far. Most mornings I enjoy my Shakeology for breakfast after my workout, but on the weekends I like to save my shakes for lunch so I'm not tempted to eat out while running errands. Which leaves a huge hole for breakfast foods in my weekend routine.

And in that hole ... PANCAKES! These bad boys are 21 Day Fix approved and they were super scrumptious!


Recipes Update!

One of my major speed bumps in my health and fitness journey has always been my nutrition. I always thought that as long as I exercised I could eat whatever I wanted ... then late 20's rolled around and that was so NOT the case!

As part of my total dedication and commitment to my team (and to myself!) I am starting to put together a list of recipes. All of which I have personally tested. It will take some time to get them all up and moving, but it's going to happen! I'd like to add 1 a week <-- putting my goal out there for you all to help keep me accountable! A lot of the meals are going to be 21 day fix approved right now, as that is the beachbody program that I have been sweating it out to the past 2 1/2 months!

Each recipe will have a super simple picture that you can copy/paste/print/share with the main highlights of how to make each things -- Now, off to make some 21 day fix approved pancakes!!

No Excuses November

This time of year it's easy to make excuses. Days are shorter. Nights are longer. Weather is colder. Temptations are everywhere (like that Halloween candy staring at you right now).

What if instead of packing on 5-7 lbs like the average person does during the Holiday season, you carve off 10-15lbs before the new year?

Interested? Then join a challenge group for December! Check out what is a challenge group, fill out the interest form, or email me with questions! 

November Promo!

Yup - The 3 Day Refresh (incredible cleanse) AND PiYo are together and DISCOUNTED RIGHT NOW through November!
PiYo = LOVE. This is my go to workout program to change things up. I ALWAYS need to work on flexibility and balance but I still want to sweat! PiYo is that PERFECT program to rehabilitate after injury, firm up and help you work on your flexibility and strength with low impact workouts. You will see noticeable change in your total body!

Do you need to jumpstart your weightless goals? Do you need to get over a plateau? Do you need to recover from a fun weekend with family where you just totally overindulged? Use the 3 DAY REFRESH!

You will feel clean, energized and ready to tackle PiYo after 3 days and you will have Shakeology for 30 days to continue providing your body with whole food nutrition!

I would love to help you start your fitness journey with this awesome combination. SO SMART!! PiYo alone is discounted for the month of November and the two together are a steal with discounted shipping, both programs, the supplements AND 30 days of Shakeology.

Halloween Candy

Halloween is such a great time of year --- to test your willpower that is! 

Add caption

Now, consider this ...

If 2 Reese's is 180 calories and my chocolate Shakeology is 160 calories + a tablespoon of peanut butter is 90 calories then for just 70 calories more I get an ENTIRE meal in the form of a milkshake that not only tastes just as delicious as Reese's but keeps me full, doesn't have the same sugar crash, curbs my cravings for the rest of the Halloween goods, helps me lose weight, and increases my energy levels.

Now which to choose ... It's a NO BRAINER!

Why Photos are Necessary

This week is the first week that I have not had any weight/measurement changes. I new that this would happy around week 8 of this journey, but it's always different when that day shows up!  So I spent a few minutes thinking about what I know about plateaus and how I would accept this and move forward with my day.

 1 week ago                                  Today           
Part of this journey is about being accountable so currently in my challenge groups and even in my coaching group every Sunday we take pictures to send them in with our progress. It can be a very awkward and unrewarding process to take pictures of yourself if you are uncomfortable with certain parts of your body, but you HAVE to take the pictures. Here's why.... I'm more comfortable in my skin, I feel GREAT, I have tons more energy, my clothes fit SO MUCH better .. but there were no tangible numbers to report a difference in. So I went about my morning routine then went take my pictures.

 1 week ago                Today        
When I went to put them side by side with last weeks I couldn't believe what I saw. I should believe it though. I've done the workouts, eaten well this week, had my shakeology everyday. But despite the #'s not budging my body is still changing! Yay!

Keep making good decisions and the results will compound!!!

Finding Balance

Want some truth? These past few months have not been easy on me -- mentally or physically.

With Xena, my beautiful dog,  being sick beyond imaginable (blastomycosis), stressing about my finances, being states away my significant other for over a year now, and just in general in a HUGE rut. After putting in a 9-10 hour day at the office the gym was not my friend and fast food become easy. After a series of easy decisions to skip the gym and grab something quick I realized I was headed somewhere I didn't want to be going -- just wasn't sure how to stop the train I had jumped on. My life was out of balance and just felt like I was wandering through each day. 

That's when I found out about challenge groups. Real people with a like minded goal who are joining each other for online accountability and support (and really a ton of fun!) while completing a fitness program at home that fits in your own time constraints.
So I sucked it up and jumped in. I emailed the girl I had been friends with in high school who was posting these real, everyday things on her FB page about her upcoming challenge group. She walked me through what a challenge group was and how to join and well, a few days later I had this new life in a box show up on my doorstep. At first I did not want to tell anyone what I was doing -- what if I failed? What if I didn't results like everyone else? 

So I took my before pictures ... and never looked back. 

In the last 7 weeks I've lost 15lbs and over 15 inches and really have not felt this great in a long time. I've also been saving money from not having to pay for a gym membership and having these groups keep me from eating fast food multiple times a week, plus the shakeology for breakfast keeps me from spending hard earned dollars at Starbucks too! 

So here I am on this journey to find balance in my life. AND because of the support I got from the challenge group I decided that I wanted to do the same thing for other people. #sharethehealth! It is so hard to make the choice to commit to changing - your body, your mental excuses, your LIFE! I did it and I want to help others do it too. I want to be your support system. If you are interested in getting git and healthy, please email me at thebowseat@gmail.com and I can help you set up an exercise program and meal plan to meet your needs!