Wake Up Better

I hear it all too often. 

"I'm not a morning person"

"I set 3 alarms at different times"

"I'm always late in the mornings"

So let's change that huh? Shake it up a bit!

Here are some of the best ways to WAKE UP in the morning...
(aside from exercise, nutrition, actually going to bed on time, etc!) 

So ONE: 

Ditch the snooze button. Seriously. Set your alarm for the latest possible you need to and deal with it. When you set multiple alarms, sure, you get 5 more min of sleep, but it's pretty terrible sleep and you honestly feel WORSE the 2nd ... or 3rd ... time you have to get up!


Drink water immediately. Put a bottle of water on your night stand and down a few ounces to re-hydrate your body from overnight sleep and to wake up your insides.


Rub acupressure points. Studies show that these pressure points can stimulate your body to get moving faster and combat that sleepy feeling. These pressure spots include, the webspace between your thumb and index finger, the top of your head, the soles of your feet and the tops of your calves just below your knees! Massage, rub, knead .. it'll all help!


Actually get out of bed. Make yourself sit up and put your feet on the floor (BEFOOOOOORE you check your cell phone!!!)

Happy Morning's! 


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