Clean Eating on Budget

Eating clean on a budget is NOT hard. We've established that it can be done and thankfully you don't have to break the bank to do it. You may have to do some planning around the seasons .. and well with Fall upon us, for me that is THE EASIEST to save money. WHY?

Soups & chili.

SUPER versatile and also the ingredients wont break your wallet and you can freeze them for pennies on the serving!

For example: This is my amazing (21 day fix approved) Chili recipe. 

I made some this week (even though it's 90 degrees still in West Texas) and here is the break down: 


1 medium onion                                                                                       ($0.50)
vegetable broth                                                                                        ($1.29) 
tomato paste                                                                                           ($0.70)
can of black beans ($.90) / bag of hard black beans                                        ($1.50)
can of kidney or cannellini beans ($.90)  / bag of hard kidney beans                  ($1.50)
1 lb of ground turkey                                                                              ($4.99) 

^^^ Now i use fresh dried beans and soak then overnight then cook them in the crockpot on low for hours before I add my other ingredients .. WHY? For $1.50 a bag (so an added cost of $1.20) I get 3x the amount and NONE of the added sodium or processing!

The other ingredients are spices: (cumin, chili powder, garlic) 
I ALWAYS have these on hand because I make my own seasonings for everything ...  if you need to add these to your pantry, try places like the dollar store and big lots -- they are like 2-3 dollars cheaper EACH than the grocery store!! 

SO I put all this in the crockpot and stir on occasion and voila! 

All in all this 1 list of ingredients made TWELVE servings of turkey chili. That breaks down to spending $10.48 for the whole crockpot .... WHICH IS $0.87 A SERVING and 10 more meals I DO NOT have to cook!! 

Happy Fall!! 


What could extra income do for you?

Are YOU someone who is looking to do MORE to help and influence others to lead healthier and more fulfilling lives?!

Calling on YOU if you aspire to be FIT and BALANCED and THE BOSS of your own business, fitness, income, and life in general!! I am taking 4 new coaches under my wing this month for my personal 1:1 mentorship!

When I became a Beachbody Coach last September I was simply looking for a way to get in shape at home! As an Occupational Therapist I was working 45-50 hours a week and needed a workout I could do in 30 min or less without having to leave the house!

And I found it!

What I did not expect was to find so many can relate to my same struggles and ups and downs with my heath journey. I never thought I would be able to inspire so many simply by SHARING my successes and struggles! AND I did not expect to also be able to bring in 50% of my corporate income!

These last few months Beachbody has paid for my student loans monthly, my car payments, unexpected new tired for my 4runner, date nights, a move to Texas, and all of Xena's vet bills ... and I'm healthier inside and out for it.

I am only looking for those who are ready to dive in with me and grow a part time to full time income (results will vary for everyone), and I only have room for 4 more this month.

This 1:1 mentor-ship includes:
- Your own lifestyle change (fitness, nutrition help)
-Team group calls and trainings
- All of our coach families duplicatable systems
- Team Training Sites
- Lots and lots of motivation encouragement and fun!

When I started as a Coach...
I was NOT in good shape nor at my goal weight.
I was NOT a nutritionist
I never used to post on social media.
I was working 50 hrs a week and thought I had ZERO time to dedicate to this.
AND I had NO CLUE what direct marketing was.

BUT I was DETERMINED to reach my own fitness goals and PASSIONATE about helping others to feel as great as I was starting to feel!

SO I am looking for YOU if you are someone who is:
1. Motivated and determined
2. Passionate about helping people
3. Desire to earn another stream income for your family
4. READY to design your own lifestyle

This mentorship starts in 10 days. To apply to one of the 4 open spaces, apply here:

5 ways to cut down your Clean Eating grocery budget

Recent study shows that what separates a healthy and unhealthy diet is just $1.50 a day. 

Here are 5 ways to eat clean for less:

1) Avoid "superfoods" at the grocery store and invest in Shakeology. Yes, I said it. It's about $4 a day and it is worth your health and your dollars to drink it yourself, give your kids a few sips and even make your husband/boyfriend/parents drink it.

Here is the breakdown of "superfoods vs 1 serving of Shakeology":

$4.40 ONE BOWL of exotic fruit – including gogi and acai berries
$3.94 FOUR CUPS of raw broccoli
$1.99 SEVEN WHOLE carrots
$4.30 TEN CUPS of raw cauliflower
$2.99 THREE CUPS of romaine lettuce
$8.97 FOUR CUPS of uncooked mushrooms
$2.91 THREE RAW onions
$1.09 ONE CUP of peas
$5.16 FOUR CUPS of red radishes
$3.49 FOUR CUPS of nonfat yogurt
$1.95 ONE SHOT of wheat grass
TOTAL $41.19

When you're ready to give it a try for $4 a day instead of $41 a day, message me or check out the details here. 

2) Cut down on packaged and pre-made: Convenience costs money. You can’t buy the same packaged and pre-made food items and expect them to give you changes to your body and nutrition. Pre-packaged goods are notorious for being loaded with sodium and chemicals to prevent them from spoiling.  You will have to invest a bit more time into your cooking without the pre-packaged, but your body will thank you!

3) Eat less meat. Buy less meat. Meat is expensive! In America we eat 57% MORE meat than we did 50 yeas ago. Why is this? PORTIONS are out of control!  Ways to think about this are that a cooked serving of meat should be the same size as a bar of soap or a hockey puck! 

4) Eat leftovers – Eating leftovers was a way of life when I grew up, and I am SO guilty of not eating mine. Personal preferences aside, when you break down the cost of a wonderful meal you’ve invested time and good money into, why wouldn’t you want to eat the leftovers? I am making it a personal goal of mine to re-vamp my left overs and get them out of the fridge and into my belly so they don't break my bank!!

5) Make your own dressings and sauces – The average bottled dressing costs $3.00 a bottle, and is loaded with preservatives, sugar and sodium. To create your own you very well may spend $5 but to make a simple olive oil based dressing at home can literally cost you pennies on the dollar per serving in the end AND it’s preservative and chemical free. I'll be sharing a few homemade dressing ideas in the next few weeks. Be sure to "follow" this blog for updates!

- Chelsea

What is in Shakeology? (a complete list)

Here is a comprehensions list of the ingredients that make Shakeology so amazing for your body!

Acai berry - (ah-sigh-ee) - What makes Acai such a special and unusual berry is that it not only has a high level of antioxidants but also has healthy fatty acids, protein and dietary fiber. Its unsaturated healthy fats have a fatty acid ratio similar to olive oil which is considered to be a contributing factor to the low incidence of heart disease in Mediterranean populations. Açaí pulp contains omega 6 and 9 fatty acids.

Acerola powder (fruit) -Acerola can be found throughout northeastern Brazil and is rich in Vitamin C and carotenoids, and one of the richest known natural sources of vitamin C.

Amaranth - Not only is Amaranth a great source of vitamins and amino acids, but it's also high in protein, fiber and helps to boost your immune system. Additionally, Amaranth has three times the calcium of milk.

Amylase. This is group of enzymes' function is to breakdown sugar and starch. Amylase digests carbohydrates units, eventually converting them into sugar. Amylase also works as an anti-inflammatory.

Apple pectin powder - Apple pectin is a water-soluble fiber, helpful in removing cholesterol out of the intestines and delaying glucose absorption.

Ashwagandha powder - An Adaptogen herb for the mind that promotes clarity. Betterments include: improving mental acuity, learning and memory while also alleviating anxiety and depression. Its "job" is make my life less stressful -- no joke!! It actually compares to pharmaceutical drugs when relieving stress and depression -- hello happy!! Also, it packs a punch on the nervous system and shows promise for treating degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. And as an OT who treats these conditions ... I'm all for steering clear if possible! A recent study showed that chronically stressed animals (sounds like us humans right?) who were given ashwagandha dropped by 80% in the # of degenerating brain cells detected. And in a human people said they had increased energy, reduced fatigue, better sleep, and an enhanced sense of well-being. They also had a decrease of cortisol levels up to 26% (the nasty fat producing stuff), a decline in fasting blood sugar levels (you know, diabetes), and improved lipid profiles (that cholesterol stuff).

Astragalus powder root - This ingredient is always helpful for a family like ours with 4 small children because it is an adaptogen that strengthens the immune system increasing both energy levels and vitality. Used in China for 1000s of years, this powder helps prevent colds, upper respiratory infections and helps to lower blood sugar + blood pressure.

Bilberry -An antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiseptic. This fruit has shown to improve vision and symptoms associated with diabetes. This cute little sucker, called a huckleberry in the USA, is an anthocyanoside. Uh, wah? Yeah, an antioxidant that is used to treat diabetes, circulation issues, vision and prevent the oxidation of the "bad" cholesterol that causes heart attacks! Bilberry is effective at helping reduce inflammation, the ability to strengthen blood vessels, natural blood thinner, and stimulate the release of healing properties!

Blueberry Powder - 1st off, it takes 10lbs of fresh blueberries to get 1lb of pure blueberry powder. A good source of vitamins and dietary fiber, blueberries are believed to help reduce eyestrain and improve night vision. Blueberries are also high in the phytochemical resveratrol, which has been linked to reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer.

Camu-Camu Powder - This little gem of a plant is designed to pack a POWER PUNCH on your bodies immune system!! It comes from the Amazon rain forest and has more Vitamin C than any other food (back off GERMS!)!! But it also ....

- strengthens immune system
- is high in anti-oxidants
- balances mood (who doesnt want an effective & safe antidepressant daily)
- helps the nervous system (our eye/brain function!!)
- reduces inflammation (goodbye arthritis)
- is a natural anti-viral
- protects against liver disorders (like disease and cancer)
- is effective against Mono and cold sores (kiss all those frogs!!!)

Chia Seed Meal - Coined as the Aztec running food, Chia seeds enhance stamina, endurance and help you stay hydrated. The seeds help you lose weight for 2 reasons. 1st, they are so filling that you will eat less. 2nd, they form into a gel and cleanse the old "junk" in your intestines. Lastly, they provide calcium & protein in your tissues & help regenerate body tissue. Known as the running food, it’s used as a high energy endurance food and has been recorded as far back as the ancient Aztecs. It has about 3-10 times the oil concentrations of most grains and one and a half to two times the protein concentrations of other grains. Rich in omega 3, omega 6, protein, fiber and essential trace minerals. (Mexico)

Chlorella -  Containing the green photosynthetic pigments chlorophyll A and B, enabling it to photosynthesize (derive energy by converting sunlight and carbon dioxide into sugar molecules for food). Chlorella is also a complete protein, meaning that it contains all the essential amino acids a person needs to survive in the correct proportions for cellular use. Under certain growing conditions, Chlorella also yields oils high in polyunsaturated fats, which are the healthy variety of lipids (also known as ‘good fats’) and can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and lower blood cholesterol. Chlorella’s presence in the stomach and digestive tract can increase good bacteria in the intestine in order to help treat ulcers, colitis, Crohn’s disease, and diverticulosis.

Citrus bioflavonoids - Extracted from fruits, bioflavonoids are widely used in Europe to treat diseases of the blood vessels and lymph system.

Cordyceps - A type of Asian fungus (mushroom) that may have beneficial properties for bone marrow and kidneys, while it increases stamina, protects against free radicals and restores energy.

Flax Seed Meal - Flaxseeds' omega-3 fats are a good source of fiber that can help lower cholesterol levels, aid in digestion and help stabilize blood sugar levels. Also, its combination of healthy fat and high fiber content make it great for weight loss. The flax seed carries one of the biggest nutrient payloads on the planet. And while it’s not technically a grain, it has a similar vitamin and mineral profile to grains. Flax is high in B vitamins, magnesium, manganese, omega 3, fiber, and our best source of lignans which may promote fertility, reduce peri-menopausal symptoms, and possibly help prevent breast cancer. In addition, lignans may help prevent Type 2 diabetes.

Gingko powder (leaf) - The oldest living species of plant on earth, gingko has been used in Chinese medicine to stimulate the blood circulation and have a tonic effect on the brain, reducing lethargy, improving memory and giving an improved sense of well-being.

Goji Berries (Lycium powder) - These berries contain 18 amino acids and are one of the richest sources of carotenoids, phytochemicals that act as antioxidants, of all known foods. Not only does Goji berry improve eyesight, fertility and circulation but it supports your immune system and promotes a long life. Dubbed as a natural anti-aging food, goji is used to treat hepatitis B (because of the physalin produced by the berries), heart and blood pressure conditions, as a memory enhancer, a treatment for breast and cervical cancer, an anti-inflammatory, and an antifungal, antibacterial.

Grape Seed Extract - they are derivatives from whole grape seeds that have a great concentration of vitamin E, flavonoids, linoleic acid, and OPCs. A polyphenol contained in grape seeds is resveratrol which may interfere with cancer cell growth and proliferation, as well as induce apoptosis, among a variety of potential chemo preventive effects. Preliminary research shows that grape seed extract may have other possible anti-disease properties, such as in laboratory models of:
Wound healing—grape seed proanthocyanidins induced vascular endothelial growth factor and accelerated healing of injured skin in mice.
Tooth decay --seed phenolics may inhibit oral sugar metabolism and retard growth of certain bacteria causing dental caries.
Osteoporosis -- grape seed extracts enhanced bone density and strength in experimental animals.
Skin cancer -- grape seed proanthocyanidins decreased tumor numbers and reduced the malignancy of papillomas.
Ultraviolet damage to skin—dietary proanthocyanidins may protect against carcinogenesis and provide supplementation for sunscreen protection.

Green tea decaffeinated extract (leaf, 50% polyphenols) - Green tea has important antioxidants and compounds. Studies reveal an impact on heart disease and cancer which are promising. The antioxidants, called catechins, scavenge for free radicals that can damage DNA.

Himalayan salt – This is the “healthy” salt may help prevent acne and tooth decay. This raw, untouched, unprocessed salt contains more than 70 trace minerals which help detoxify the blood and maintain a stable pH balance in cells. And all that for less than 5% of the recommended daily intake for someone on a low-sodium diet.

Holy basil powder - Holy basil powder contains vitamin C, carpteme, calcium and phosphorus which helps the skin stay healthy and supple by protecting it from environmental toxins. It contributes to the health of the throat chest and lungs and protects the respiratory tract and has been used as an anti-inflammatory.

Hydrilla - This plant from Asia, Europe and Africa is hailed for providing increased energy levels, improved immunity, improved digestion, reduced body fat, increased mental clarity, decreased appetite, improved joint, hair, skin and nail health, and an overall increased sense of well-being.

Iron - This ingredient helps to increase your energy levels and your ability to learn. People who consume enough iron tend to have better overall health, less muscle fatigue and more red blood cells.

Kale - Also known as borecole, is one of the healthiest vegetables on the planet. One cup of chopped kale contains 33 calories and 9% of the daily value of calcium, 206% of vitamin A, 134% of vitamin C, and a whopping 684% of vitamin K. It is also a good source of minerals copper, potassium, iron, manganese, and phosphorus. Kale’s health benefits are primarily linked to the high concentration and excellent source of antioxidant vitamins A, C, and K -- and sulphur-containing phytonutrients. Carotenoids and flavonoids are the specific types of antioxidants associated with many of the anti-cancer health benefits. Kale is also rich in the eye-health promoting lutein and zeaxanthin compounds.

Lipase - This supplement helps you to lose weight because its a digestive enzyme that helps your body to break down fat.

Luo Han Guo – This is another natural sweeter that is said to be 300 times sweeter than cane sugar and could have a positive impact on coughs and other respiratory ailments. And recent research has revealed that it may work as an antioxidant to help eliminate free radicals that can cause serious health concerns.

Lycium powder – See Goji Berries.

Maca Powder - Maca (Lepidium Meyenii) is a tuberous perennial plant that grows high in the Andean Mountains at altitudes of between 11,000 and 14,000 feet. Color-wise it looks like a potato, but it is shaped like a large radish. Maca is considered by top researchers to be a true Adaptogen. Adaptogens enable the body to enhance its power of resistance and adapt to external conditions. They work with the body's natural systems to help rebuild weak immune systems, re-mineralize poorly nourished bodies, and increase energy and endurance. Scientists and doctors are now finding Maca to be one of the best natural ways to regulate and support endocrine health. This action regulates metabolism, energy levels, growth, sexual development and the sense of well being and attitude. Thankfully, Maca does not contain hormones itself. Instead it provides a unique set of nutrients that directly fuel the endocrine system and help the glands to produce vital hormones in precise dosages predetermined by one's own body. Maca Powder is even used to treat menopausal symptoms (it is now being prescribed by many health practitioners as a safe, effective alternative to Hormone Replacement Therapy).

Maitake Mushroom Powder - This ingredient has been shown to regulate blood circulation, reduce blood pressure, improves insulin levels, enhance the immune system and have an anti-tumor/ anti-viral effect.

Moringa – Ingredient rich in Vitamin C, Calcium, Vitamin A, Protein, Potassium and Iron. Moringa has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties and is known to promote energy, vitality, athletic performance, and weight loss—while boosting the immune system and protecting against disease. There are over 46 antioxidants and 36 anti-inflammatory compounds all naturally occurring in the Moringa plant. That is why it is referred to as the best natural source of anti-oxidants.

MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) - This ingredient is a naturally occurring sulfur compound. It is known for aiding in joint health and supporting liver detoxification. A medical study done in Portland found that arthritis patients that took MSM reported less pain, stiffness and greater mobility.

Oat Protein - GMO-free oat protein was added to improve texture and mouth feel, while reducing grit. It is a nutritious protein source that is rich in essential amino acids (including leucine, isoleucine, and lysine) with excellent texture and mouth feel. Oats are inherently gluten-free, but can be cross-contaminated with small amounts of other grains that contain gluten (including wheat, barley and/or rye) during growing, handling or processing. As such, as a precaution we recommend that users consult their physicians with concerns.

Pantothenic Acid (also known as vitamin B5). This ingredient helps metabolize nutrients, produce vitamin D and stimulate the healing of wounds. Vitamin B5 is critical to the growth of red blood cells as well as sex/ stress-related hormones. This supplement has also gained a lot of press for treating a wide range of skin conditions including acne.

Pea Fiber - It provides one of the highest sources of natural soluble and insoluble dietary fibers known. It has been known to help improve cardiovascular health by reducing cholesterol and stabilizing blood sugar levels by providing steady burning energy.

Pomegranate - Contains antioxidants like polyphenol, tannins, and anthocyanins, which are effective in removing free radicals from our cells. Pomegranate has also been shown to prevent hardening of the arteries by reducing blood vessel damage, and it may even help reverse the progression of these maladies.


Bifidobacterium longum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus casei, Streptococcus thermophilus - Since most degenerative disease conditions can be linked to intestinal toxemia and our inability to properly eliminate it from the body, this is blend is useful for a healthy intestinal tract.


Amylase (See above), Papain, Cellulase, Lactase, Lipase, Protease, Bromelain - These enzymes aid in digestion, reduce heartburn problems, gas and bloating, may also diminish allergies.

Quinoa (sprouted) – It contains a balanced set of essential amino acids for humans, making it a complete protein source, unusual among plant foods. These proteins are required by the body as building blocks for muscle. Quinoa is an excellent source of potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium (Nature’s medicine for people suffering from Migraines), iron and B vitamins. Excellent for the heart and since they are an insoluble fiber, it helps in gallstone prevention.

Reishi mushroom powder - Known as a "magic plant", this powder has long been used to help increase energy, improve digestion and sleep, strengthen resistance to disease and regulate the immune system. Reishi is used in traditional Chinese medicine, protecting the liver, as an analgesic, antiinflammatory, and anti-cancer treatments.

Rose Hips powder - Rich in vitamin C, rosehips are commonly used for reduction in asthma symptoms and allergies.

Schisandra Powder - Schisandra (Schisandra chinensis) is an aromatic, woody vine that is native to northern and northeastern China. Schisandra fruit is fully ripened in the fall and appears as numerous spikes of tiny, bright red berries. The berries have sweet, sour, hot, salty, and bitter tastes--hence the Chinese name for schisandra, "Wu Wei Zi" (five-flavored herb). Research has shown that Schisandra has adaptogenic properties, which means that it helps the body to fight disease and adapt to stresses from physical, mental, chemical, and environmental sources. Schisandra also has tonic (restoring tone to tissues), expectorant (promoting the clearing of lung mucus), and cough-suppressant (reducing coughing) activities. It stimulates the nervous system by increasing the speed of nervous responses, leading to quicker and stronger reflexes. Schisandra has been shown to stimulate breathing, decrease blood pressure, act as a vasodilator (causing blood vessels to dilate), improve blood circulation, improve heart function, strengthen uterine contractions, improve vision, normalize blood sugar levels, and assist in food digestion and absorption of nutrients. It can activate all major body systems. In general it works well as a stimulator for the central nervous system, increasing brain efficiency, improved reflexes, and an accelerated rate of endurance.

Spinach powder - Spinach has been used for years to help relieve anemic problems due to its high iron and chlorophyll content.

Spirulina - Type of blue-green algae that is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and carotenoids (a type of antioxidant that can help protect cells from damage). It contains nutrients, including B complex vitamins, beta-carotene, vitamin E, manganese, zinc, copper, iron, selenium, and gamma linolenic acid (an essential fatty acid). Amino acids (Proteins Building Blocks) make up 62% of Spirulina. Because it is a rich source of protein and other nutrients, Spirulina has been used traditionally as a nutritional supplement. Spirulina promotes health in many ways. It powerfully protects from oxidant stress and strongly supports the immune system and a healthy inflammatory response.

Sweetened with Stevia - Native to subtropical/tropical South America and Central America, stevia sweetens whatever it is added to without adding calories. Research shows a regulating effect on the pancreas and has been used to help stabilize blood sugar levels, therefore useful to people with diabetes and hypoglycemia. It may lower elevated blood pressure, aids in digestion, reduces gas and stomach acidity. It has been shown to inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria that cause gum disease and tooth decay.

Vitamin E - it is a potent anti-oxidant which protects the cells in the human body from free radical damage. Free radical damage can lead to very serious and chronic diseases like cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Vitamin E also helps to repair the skin, keeping it glowing and healthy.

Whey Protein Isolate - Chocolate Whey, Strawberry and Greenberry flavors. Out of the many protein sources out there, whey protein is the ultimate. It has the highest value in providing branched-chain amino acids, which aid in building and retaining muscle tissue. Each scoop of Shakeology powder contains 15g of whey protein. You can bump this up by making your own recipe and adding things such as peanut butter or additional whey protein powder. Great post from Carl about Whey Protein isolate and how it is right for Shakeology. We Go Both Wheys…

Yacon Root - The Prebiotics in Shakeology are found in the Yacon root. Prebiotics are specific nutrients naturally occurring in whole grains, fruits, legumes, and certain plants. They stimulate the friendly bacteria in the digestive tract, making them either grow or become more active, thereby supporting the healthy regulation of intestinal flora, healthy elimination, and a healthy immune system. When compared to sugar in sweetness, Yacon contains low ratios of simple sugars and calories. It also has a low glycemic index. Yacon is a tasty, potato-like root vegetable found in Peru. Historically, Yacon has been used in South America to lower blood sugar in those with diabetes and improve digestion.

Wake Up Better

I hear it all too often. 

"I'm not a morning person"

"I set 3 alarms at different times"

"I'm always late in the mornings"

So let's change that huh? Shake it up a bit!

Here are some of the best ways to WAKE UP in the morning...
(aside from exercise, nutrition, actually going to bed on time, etc!) 

So ONE: 

Ditch the snooze button. Seriously. Set your alarm for the latest possible you need to and deal with it. When you set multiple alarms, sure, you get 5 more min of sleep, but it's pretty terrible sleep and you honestly feel WORSE the 2nd ... or 3rd ... time you have to get up!


Drink water immediately. Put a bottle of water on your night stand and down a few ounces to re-hydrate your body from overnight sleep and to wake up your insides.


Rub acupressure points. Studies show that these pressure points can stimulate your body to get moving faster and combat that sleepy feeling. These pressure spots include, the webspace between your thumb and index finger, the top of your head, the soles of your feet and the tops of your calves just below your knees! Massage, rub, knead .. it'll all help!


Actually get out of bed. Make yourself sit up and put your feet on the floor (BEFOOOOOORE you check your cell phone!!!)

Happy Morning's! 

Fitness Banking

My fitness is like a bank. I can make deposits and withdraws. The more deposits I make, the more interest I accrue. The more I see my interest grow, the more I want to make bigger deposits.

Ya with me here?

There are so many unpredictable factors in our lives, our finances, and our health.

SO .. how cool is it that it's my J-O-B (if you can call it that!) to be doing my body's "bank account" a world of good and to also be able to INVEST IN OTHERS BANK ACCOUNTS TOO!

Yeah ^^^^^ you heard me. This isn't about me making solo deposits here.

Daily I get to help my challengers deposit more into their own bank accounts ... and the coaches in my family deposit real green into their real bank accounts.

This J-O-B is my fav and both types of my bank accounts are happier.

So if you're looking to cut your losses and up your gains on your daily "body" bank account or looking for a way to find freedom with a job where you are your own boss and make your own hours, I'm here to tell you that I have lots of "deposits" to help you make that happen.

Happy "banking"!

Chest Flab is a REAL Thing!

One of my "body pet peeves" -- you know, those things you are overly conscious about at almost all times? -- is that skin that rests between your chest and arm pit, which I've now dubbed "chest flab".

While body fat could be the culprit, changing your diet alone won’t always solve this issue. Doing chest exercises paired with back exercises can help fill out that problem area. Here are 4 basic moves to ditch the awkward skin!

( Food for thought: Women with implants have very little of this extra tissue. That’s because increasing the size of your chest by adding muscle or implants (in their case), can fill out that skin. )

4 Basic Moves to Bust CHEST FLAB! 

1. Push-ups
2. Chest fly
3. Dumbbell row
4. Lat pull down 

*Not sure what the proper way to execute one of these is? Just ask :)
 Drop a comment or message me


<3 Chelsea