CIZE: The End of Exercise

Let's start by saying, "I am not a dancer". I'm normally that person that shys away from anything that resembles it. So when this new, hot dance program, CIZE, came out I never thought I would be the one to LOVE it.

CIZE brings the dance studio home with a lot of help for you to master professionally choreographed routines, step-by-step. It's an amazing alternative to getting fit for those who dislike the monotony of traditional forms of exercise such as weight work and cardio drills. At the end of each routine I was dripping sweat, laughing and smiling and didn't even realized I have scorched so many calories and burn fat. It's that good.

Now I have officially finished my 4 weeks of CIZE and while I have by no means mastered the moves, I can say that I've got a lot to show for it!! 

Here are my 4 weeks changes from CIZE! 

Total inches 6!
Total lbs 5!
Total confidence increase: 110%
Total # of laughs at myself: 5 billion!

This program has been tons of fun and I'm so happy to be able to share such an enjoyable way to lose and gain parts of myself with this.

The challenge pack for CIZE is on sale for 2 more days. With this link, you can get CIZE for free with an order of your choice Shakeology flavor.  If you think you want to give CIZE a shot, let's chat, but don't wait to snag yours.

Happy CIZE'ing you all!!!

- Chelsea

Fitness Tank Tops

Who doesn't love a good workout tank?? 

Who doesn't love a FREE shirt? 

Well, I just stumbled across a nifty site that lets you get your first shirt free!!
($6 in shipping, but $24 shirt/tank free!) 

I mean, how awesome are some of these? 
So how do you get yours?

Enter your email address
Pick a tank or shirt you like
Add to cart
When you checkout it will show that it has removed the $24 price and BAM! 
Free shirt! ($6 in shipping).

<3 Chelsea

Inner Strength is Sexy

THIS is what is it all about.


To put our best efforts forward to make the most of each day for ourselves and for those around us!

How & Why to Eat Mangoes

Did you know ... 

  • Mangos are one of the most popular fruit in the World
  • The paisley pattern is based on the shape of a mango
  • A basket of mangos is considered a gesture of friendship in India
  • Legend says that Buddha meditated under the cool shade of a mango tree
  • Mangos are related to cashews and pistachios
  • Mangos provide 100% of your daily vitamin C, 35% of your daily vitamin A and 12% of your daily fiber
How to Decide Which to Buy? 

Don’t judge a mango by its color! Squeeze gently to judge ripeness. A ripe mango will “give” slightly and a firm mango will ripen at room temperature over a few days. You can also speed up the ripening by putting it in a paper bag at room temperature. OR once ripe, mangoes can be moved to the refrigerator to slow down ripening for several days!

How to Cut a Mango

Check out this great video I made on how to cut a mango. There are 2 ways really, both effective and both delicious! 

Top 1%

The face your video freezes on when you just told your team the most exciting news!!

** Our team, Fit & Balanced FORCE, just became a top 1% team in ALL of Beachbody!! **


Why is this so exciting? Well let me tell you about some special ladies who are working hard to balance their lives in a way that matches their dreams.

Some are mothers, some are not. Some stay home, others work full time. Others are pet parents plagued by student loan debt like me. We are all so individually unique yet each of these women have made an impact by serving others and connecting them with a life of health, fitness and confidence.

11 months ago when I joined Beachbody I had no idea this kind of fullfillment was possible. I thought I had to work myself to death to pay off my debt and that my body would just take 2nd place to those long hours and stress filled days. It was then, while juggling a full time job as an occupational therapist that FAB FORCE became a dream of mine. These wonderful women have helped me to map out that dream and take it from a crazy vision in my head to giving it goals and action and a reality!

Congrats ladies, you are the top 1% of a billion dollar company that makes people's lives better daily. Let that sink in!!
