Halloween Candy

Halloween is such a great time of year --- to test your willpower that is! 

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Now, consider this ...

If 2 Reese's is 180 calories and my chocolate Shakeology is 160 calories + a tablespoon of peanut butter is 90 calories then for just 70 calories more I get an ENTIRE meal in the form of a milkshake that not only tastes just as delicious as Reese's but keeps me full, doesn't have the same sugar crash, curbs my cravings for the rest of the Halloween goods, helps me lose weight, and increases my energy levels.

Now which to choose ... It's a NO BRAINER!

Why Photos are Necessary

This week is the first week that I have not had any weight/measurement changes. I new that this would happy around week 8 of this journey, but it's always different when that day shows up!  So I spent a few minutes thinking about what I know about plateaus and how I would accept this and move forward with my day.

 1 week ago                                  Today           
Part of this journey is about being accountable so currently in my challenge groups and even in my coaching group every Sunday we take pictures to send them in with our progress. It can be a very awkward and unrewarding process to take pictures of yourself if you are uncomfortable with certain parts of your body, but you HAVE to take the pictures. Here's why.... I'm more comfortable in my skin, I feel GREAT, I have tons more energy, my clothes fit SO MUCH better .. but there were no tangible numbers to report a difference in. So I went about my morning routine then went take my pictures.

 1 week ago                Today        
When I went to put them side by side with last weeks I couldn't believe what I saw. I should believe it though. I've done the workouts, eaten well this week, had my shakeology everyday. But despite the #'s not budging my body is still changing! Yay!

Keep making good decisions and the results will compound!!!

Finding Balance

Want some truth? These past few months have not been easy on me -- mentally or physically.

With Xena, my beautiful dog,  being sick beyond imaginable (blastomycosis), stressing about my finances, being states away my significant other for over a year now, and just in general in a HUGE rut. After putting in a 9-10 hour day at the office the gym was not my friend and fast food become easy. After a series of easy decisions to skip the gym and grab something quick I realized I was headed somewhere I didn't want to be going -- just wasn't sure how to stop the train I had jumped on. My life was out of balance and just felt like I was wandering through each day. 

That's when I found out about challenge groups. Real people with a like minded goal who are joining each other for online accountability and support (and really a ton of fun!) while completing a fitness program at home that fits in your own time constraints.
So I sucked it up and jumped in. I emailed the girl I had been friends with in high school who was posting these real, everyday things on her FB page about her upcoming challenge group. She walked me through what a challenge group was and how to join and well, a few days later I had this new life in a box show up on my doorstep. At first I did not want to tell anyone what I was doing -- what if I failed? What if I didn't results like everyone else? 

So I took my before pictures ... and never looked back. 

In the last 7 weeks I've lost 15lbs and over 15 inches and really have not felt this great in a long time. I've also been saving money from not having to pay for a gym membership and having these groups keep me from eating fast food multiple times a week, plus the shakeology for breakfast keeps me from spending hard earned dollars at Starbucks too! 

So here I am on this journey to find balance in my life. AND because of the support I got from the challenge group I decided that I wanted to do the same thing for other people. #sharethehealth! It is so hard to make the choice to commit to changing - your body, your mental excuses, your LIFE! I did it and I want to help others do it too. I want to be your support system. If you are interested in getting git and healthy, please email me at thebowseat@gmail.com and I can help you set up an exercise program and meal plan to meet your needs!