
Okay, I'm just going to come out and say it …. "I don't have time" is the adult version of "the dog ate my homework". And I am guilty of this in the past!!

If you unexpectedly had to pick up your child from school or your pet got sick and you had no back-up plan, how would you deal with the situation? Cancel an internal meeting? Take some work home with you? Do some hard prioritizing? The truth is that when we really need to, we get out of the office at the time that is necessary. Make a schedule (write it down if it helps!), stick to it, and remind yourself that working out is a priority worth keeping.

This is the NEW YOU. The NEW YOU keeps a schedule. The NEW YOU doesn't make an excuse to skip a workouts.


It's a New Year people!

My "New Year, New You" Challenge group just kicked off this mornings and I am already so proud of those ladies! Today we are talking about goals , aspirations, dreams, resolutions or "what i want to be when i grow up".

There are a couple things that you MUST do when it comes to goals...

*believe you CAN: first things first...get rid of that negative tape running in your mind. yes, the one where you repeat statements like "i could never do that" or "that's never going to happen to me" or "wow, look at her. she's got everything right". let's start on the inside by realizing you are worthy of having dreams and achieving them. you CAN do anything you set your mind to, but the foundation needs to be set that you believe in yourself. believe you can and you will.

* find out why you aren't happy with where you are today: if you're thinking about a major career or life change, just for funzies, let's figure out why you aren't happy. for example, maybe you love what you do, but you simply don't like the company you work for? or maybe it's your depressing boss? if you had a change of company, maybe things would turn up and, in turn, so would your passion about that career choice. sometimes when you're unhappy it makes everything else seem gray and cloudy. but if you are able to see a clear picture into your life from 35,000 feet, you may see that it's just that company or boss that is making you miserable. So let's apply this to your fitness journey -- what about your current state makes you unhappy, what's your WHY!?

* write them down: did you know that your dreams and goals are more likely to happen if you have them written down? it's true! so what are you waiting for? write them down now!!!and then when you do write them down, take it a step further by breaking them down into bite-size pieces. start with small goals and you'll see how quickly you're moving in the direction of achievement.

My why? I don't want to go back to feeling closed off in my own skin or unhappy every time I step in my closet. When I started my fitness journey 16 weeks ago, I was in a tough spot. I was stressed, I was making poor health choices, and putting off taking care of myself. I cannot/will not go back to that. I host these monthly groups to help show others that they do not have to be that person - now, then or ever! Instead they can be the fun, optimistic person who is trying to find the best version of themselves with all the support, accountability and motivation they can get!

So here is to the new year & the new you!!