Sloooow down!

Ever wonder what life would look like if you could SLOW DOWN a little here or there?

Currently I have the fortune of doing just that. I am in between corporate jobs due to my big move across the country to be with the man I love (sounds dreamy right?). And I have got to say that my life just feels more FULL because there is LESS on my plate!

I am still working hard on putting in the efforts to live life by my own design. Being a beachbody coach is helping me to do just that. As of today I am 1/4th of the way to my needed income level to MATCH my full time corporate america job .. whoa! I have been doing this for 6 months and each month it continue to grow with a lot love and a whole lot of fun!

If you think you have to be stuck where you are forever, you don't! If you think that getting healthy and helping others do the same sounds like a DREAM job, it is.

I am SO grateful to the doors this is opening in my life!!

PS. If you're interested in chatting about what the heck this really is, email me, message me, carrier pigeon me!!